Sphinx Configuration

Configuration (sphinx)


When using the eclipse ReST editor to create the project, the sphinx todo extension will be enabled by default. Otherwise enable it:

~/documentation $ grep extensions source/conf.py
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo']


To set a theme (using groundwork as the default):

~/documentation $ grep theme source/conf.py
html_theme = u'groundwork'

To install a theme:

~/documentation $ pip install --user groundwork-sphinx-theme

See also

Other themes are avaialable, see the official documentation, sphinx html theming

The todo extension

Adding sections like the following

.. todo:: Create directory: 'src/main/python/docs/ext/todo'

   [ ] make directory 'src/main/python/docs/ext/todo'

Will direct sphinx to create a todo list [todoslist]


A todo list


create directory

[ ] src/main/python/docs/ext/todo